Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Just Getting Started

Hi! Just set up this blog with the intent to keep myself accountable over my weight loss journey.  Over the last 6+ years I have had plenty of issues and excuses for not being active or eating right - PCOS, Plantar Fasciitis, Bad Knees, Sciatica, Herniated Disc, Lymph Edema and Wheat and Dairy Intolerance and a bad car accident in 2014 just made things worse.  

I was super ready to start working on my fitness but I didn't even know where to start. I decided to try Cize and Shakeology - in July because I saw an add on Instagram - and then looked it up on YouTube - I was skeptical but I decided to try it anyway. 

I have been doing both for almost 2 months and I feel great. I still have a long way to go, but physically I feel like I have made a ton of progress. Inactivity over the years did terrible things to my body. 

With this program I'm eating better, with portion control and whole foods, and getting more dense nutrition than I can ever remember. The best part for me is that I have regained strength and endurance from the workouts that I have lost over the years. This has made a huge impact on how I feel overall. 

I have tried just about every diet Atkins, WW, Southbeach, Nutrisystem, and going to the gym, but doing the same repetitive motions on the cardio equipment for any period of time was extremely painful and ultimately just weren't a good fit for me - Treadmills are so boring. 

I still have a loooong way to go, but I'm excited to see how I progress over time! This is a tough time of year since everyone is starting to get ready to hibernate. I'm gonna start a Health and fitness motivation group on FB  to help me stay on track and motivated let me know if you are interested in being added! 

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